Does this sound like you...

You are pulled in many directions,
caring for family, friends, community, or work.

You want to meditate, journal, practice yoga, and practice Soul Care, but tasks and obligations overwhelm or distract you.

You try to please others and feel like you’re losing your connection to your authentic self.

We see you. We get it!

Truth be told... We all need time to pause, reflect, be honest with ourselves, and play.

This is why we've created
Soul Care Sundays.


In this episode, Sage and Joy delve into the complex terrain of grief, sharing our own stories and experiences with an openness that allows for genuine connection. It's a candid conversation that acknowledges the messiness of life and the beauty found within those moments of vulnerability.

Soul Care Sundays are dedicated to empower women to place their well-being at the forefront.

We create a nurturing environment for this essential self-care - a space where creativity, joy, spiritual connection, and healing thrive. We aim to establish a peaceful sanctuary that fosters a sense of belonging, offering gentle support and encouragement for women seeking to live in harmony with their liberated and soulful selves.

What is Soul Care?

Soul care is the intentional and holistic practice
of nurturing your inner being - your eternal and essential Self. 

Soul care involves self-reflection, stillness, and creativity that rejuvenates and aligns with personal values. 

Soul care emphasizes healing and fostering resilience by caring for your body, mind, emotions - all aspects of you that house your spiritual essence.

Soul care encompasses practices that replenish the spirit and awaken self-expression. 

Soul care includes any activity that elicits joy, lights you up, and helps you step fully into your body, a vessel of light. 

Soul care is a commitment to connect with your authentic self.

During Soul Care Sundays, You Can Expect... 

Creativity, writing, expressive arts, mantras, and experiencing flow states

Yoga and embodiment practices such as dance, breath, and movement.

Home play that you’ll be experiencing on your own. Yes, we’ll take breaks from the screen.

Ceremony, rituals, circles, prayer, sound healing, initiation.

Soul sisterhood, new friendships, and nourishing community experiences. 

The life-changing magic
of an in-home retreat.

In-home retreats offer numerous benefits (despite perhaps your initial concern of being surrounded by household chores and reminders of unfinished tasks.)

Personalized Space Transformation

In-home retreats like this allow you to deliberately cleanse and rearrange your space, turning it into a sanctuary specifically for your needs. This means setting up areas for Soul Care, meditation, journaling, yoga, creating an altar, and engaging in various creative projects. By intentionally transforming your space, you enhance your immediate environment and redefine your relationship with your home.

Convenient and Comfortable

Being in your own space eliminates the need to travel or adapt to a new environment. It offers comfort and familiarity, enabling you to relax and focus on self-care without the stress of adjusting to a different place. You have the freedom to design your retreat according to your preferences.

Integration of Self-Care into Daily Life

Soul Care Sundays allow you to integrate soul-care practices seamlessly into your daily routine. By creating designated spaces for rejuvenation and personal growth within your home, you cultivate a sustainable practice of prioritizing your well-being amidst your everyday life

Learning to See Home Differently

 During Soul Care Sundays, you can view your home in a new light, not just as a place of duties but also as a haven for personal growth and relaxation. This perspective shift can reframe how you perceive and interact with your living space.

If the idea of being surrounded by unfinished tasks initially worries you, remember that part of the beauty of an in-home retreat lies in consciously addressing these concerns, transforming your space to support your well-being, and finding peace amidst the daily responsibilities.

Lianna Smith, author
Tashina Wilkinson, Home, Health & Beauty Consultant
Juliet Doty, Evolutionary Astrology & Soul Whisperer

Joy and Sage embody a synergistic, kinetic 'joie de vivre' that is contagious! I felt held by their authenticity, positivity, wisdom, and expert facilitation to the point it allowed me not only to release my spiritual and emotional burdens in this safe container but to rekindle some long-lost, magical kinship among women who have vision, love, and strength to make the world a better place.

— Lianna Smith

Author, past retreat participant

I love being with soul sisters and taking time out to retreat … pray together, dance, laugh, cry, and learn. Thank you for such a rich container. What brought me in my heart immediately was the way you two beauties opened up the circle. I felt deeply supported by your invitation to BE ME and find my own rhythm and flow, just let go. I loved that! I broke open right away,

— Tashina Wilkinson

Home, Health, and Beauty Consultant, past retreat participant

I most enjoyed the deep, vulnerable, authentic sharing. What was brought out of me was more than expected. A great depth is ignited as a result of Sage and Joy's facilitation. They are a great team. They flow well together and bring different qualities to the table. Grateful for the love and the genuine care with every class.

— Juliet Doty 

Evolutionary Astrology, Soul Whisperer, past Creators Circle participant 
Lianna Smith, author

Joy and Sage embody a synergistic, kinetic 'joie de vivre' that is contagious! I felt held by their authenticity, positivity, wisdom, and expert facilitation to the point it allowed me not only to release my spiritual and emotional burdens in this safe container but to rekindle some long-lost, magical kinship among women who have vision, love, and strength to make the world a better place.

— Lianna Smith

Author, past retreat participant
Tashina Wilkinson, Home, Health & Beauty Consultant

I love being with soul sisters and taking time out to retreat … pray together, dance, laugh, cry, and learn. Thank you for such a rich container. What brought me in my heart immediately was the way you two beauties opened up the circle. I felt deeply supported by your invitation to BE ME and find my own rhythm and flow, just let go. I loved that! I broke open right away,

— Tashina Wilkinson

Home, Health, and Beauty Consultant, past retreat participant
Juliet Doty, Evolutionary Astrology & Soul Whisperer

I most enjoyed the deep, vulnerable, authentic sharing. What was brought out of me was more than expected. A great depth is ignited as a result of Sage and Joy's facilitation. They are a great team. They flow well together and bring different qualities to the table. Grateful for the love and the genuine care with every class.

— Juliet Doty 

Evolutionary Astrology, Soul Whisperer, past Creators Circle participant 

Overview of Our 2024 Online
Soul Care Sunday Series


& Intention

Welcoming this cycle
around the sun

Aligning self with source  

Trusting natural cycles and
rhythm of Gaia 


& Creativity

Welcoming new life

Cherishing the tender
& fresh yous

Opening to innocence
and creative flow

AUG 18

& Expansion

Healing the mother wound

towards joy

Grounding with Earth’s


& Release

Expressing your bountiful being

Coming into right relationship with food

Letting go what no longer serves


& Sensuality

Celebrating your sacred senses and erotic nature

Magnetizing prosperity

Claiming radiant vitality


Stillness & Receptivity

Finding Forgiveness

Centering on stillness, wisdom, and inner authority

Harmonizing your inner world

Sage Simpson

Sage Simpson is a truth and love doula. She supports people in remembering the pleasure, peace and love that is their true nature. She teaches Yoga & Embodiment, Poetry, Performance and Writing Courses, and 200 & 300 Hr Yoga teacher training. She also facilitates Sacred Sexuality Circles, Ceremony, and Rewilding retreats.  With Sage’s intuitive and unconditional loving presence, reconnection with your body, spirit, sexuality, nature, source energy and creativity naturally emerge.

She hosts the intimate podcast, Peaceful by Nature, where she shares her teachings, personal stories, and has wise, brave, funny and vulnerable conversations with incredible people. 

Sage values living in harmony with nature and the present moment. Her daily rituals are centered on her soul care and devotion to peace on earth. She enjoys breathing, chanting, praying, surfing, swimming naked, walking and dancing barefoot and savoring the sweetness of ripe mangoes. Sage’s offerings and selected writings can be found at

Joy Clarissa Taylor

Joy Clarissa Taylor is an ordained priestess, truth-teller, and artist of life. As a mentor in awakening, she honors the principles of nature and everyone’s innate ability to heal and create a life they love. She founded A Soul-Inspired Life, a company dedicated to the evolution of consciousness. The author of the #1 Amazon bestselling book Inspired and creator of A Women’s Way of Awakening Program (AWWA), she is passionate about empowering people to contribute to a better world through authentic spiritual embodiment and inspired action.

Joy is a licensed massage therapist, certified Jin Shin Justsu practitioner, and 200-hour certified yoga teacher. She is the past director of The Women’s Business Center in Northern CA, a college-level instructor in entrepreneurship and leadership, and an inspiring public speaker.

As an empath with her feet on the ground, she weaves the practical with the mystical. She integrates soul exploration, breath, embodiment practices, dance, music, writing, and visual expression into her alchemical work. Joy lives in Sacred Mt. Shasta, California, with the love of her life, Gavin. Her days are filled with yoga, nature, lake swims or snow shoes, and authentic sharing with clients and friends.

Join a community of sisters ... 

“Joy shows us how to become our true selves and live a satisfying and reverent life.”

Melanie Gow

“Working with Sage is like sipping the most comforting mug of your favorite tea. She has the wisdom of an old soul, while allowing the energy and playfulness of her inner child to come through in her work. As amazing as she is, when you work with Sage, it's not about her. It's all about you.”

Elizabeth Lennon

“You are a perfect team, balanced, clear, focused and empowering. Grateful to have you both in my life. How good can it get?”

Amorah St. John

“Absolutely Terrific - I am SO Very Impressed with each of you and how you work creatively and respectfully together…”

Bonnie Newman

The more you take care of your Soul, the more you...

Have the energy to be there for others

Step into your power and purpose

Treat yourself with compassion


Live in integrity with your values and priorities

Care for the earth and your community

Frequently Asked Questions

Stay informed.

Join our mailing list to be updated on all Soul Care Events both online and in-person — including our annual Women’s Clarity Retreat in Mt. Shasta, CA